Thursday, January 10, 2013

The 20/25 Giveaway!

I'm feeling quite generous right at this very moment. I don't know if it's from my lack of sleep or my overall excitement from the CRP for ONE TINY SECRET, but I want to do a giveaway!

I'm going to take this idea from the Most AWESOME Adam Kunz! When this blog reaches 20 followers and I get 25 new comments anywhere on the site from 25 different people, I will give one extremely lucky winner a Kindle digital copy of C.A. Kunz's 1st book, The Childe!

So if you don't have a copy yet, or you'd like to give it to someone, this contest is for you!

I'm also going to use Adam's "old school" method of choosing the winner.

 Nothing easier than pulling names out of a cup! 

So share a link to this site, tell your friends about it, tweet about it, blog about it, whatever! Let's see how long it takes to get this thing rolling! As a BONUS, if we meet this goal by Friday night (that's 1/11/13), I'll have another little surprise!


1 comment:

  1. I loved this book and The Cover reveal !! i wanna know the tiny Secret !!

    I feel your excitement lol..

    kat !
